Thursday, July 4, 2019

Independence Day

Growing up I always felt Independence day was a chore. Had to go to school early in the morning. Half hearterdly participate in the parade in hot sun. Not fun. Even after growing up, I do not personally feel we Indians have a passion for our country or it's Independence day.

I have been fortunate to also observe American Independence day and am blown away by the passion that they have to their country and to this day. This I feel is connected to why America leads in many respects. Below are my thoughts on why

- We Indians have an imminent  need to make everything not fun. Be it God or Country. All needs to be serious business. Americans enjoy everything. So no on hie needs to notify them to attend the Independence day. They attend and love it, coz it's fun
- Dress code - We feel it's more respectful to dress in full dress in sauntering heat to show our passion for the country. I saw 99% people (including Indians in America) skimpily dressed with red, white and blue colors, bras, undies, no shirt. Just enjoy your country (and GOD). Don't fear it
- I have never been to a single Hollywood movie where national anthem was played. But Bollywood movies are serious business. You cannot incite patriotism by asking ppl to standup in a movie theater. It actually has the reverse effect. Love your country not fear it

- While in US white water rafting Center, when a group of rafters toppled under water, I observed so many Americans standup and cheer them to get up and keep going. I felt we Indians would have only snickered and passed sarcastic comments. 

I am not saying mimic anyone, just open your eyes to logic and live an enjoyable life that also helps society. Society is the country. 

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